Season 3 Announcement
Welcome to this podcast about kicking off Season 3 and collecting all stats so far. ???? You can now support TAB Podcasts with your chosen donation and title ???? Script ♪ tuneIntro Hi guys, how’s it going?[Did you know that different height weeds take turns to grow...
Herbs to Fight PMS with Lauren & Matt
Welcome to this podcast about un-hating periods by addressing the inflammation underlying period pain, bloating, fatigue, and other symptoms. ???? You can now support TAB Podcasts with your chosen donation and title ???? Transcript Arian 0:27 How's it...
Baby Brain, a Theory of Hormonal Regulation
Hormonal function is reverse selected at the baby stage, and trickles out into adult sexuality. Adult female sexuality is a secondary expression of this selection. The primary selection is at the foetus and new-born stages. Hormones in this instance are primarily a...
Life Science Consulting with Dr. Iris Batalha
Welcome to this podcast with special guest Iris Batalha. Iris was a visiting PhD student at the University of Cambridge when we met in 2013. If you listened to the Anatomy of Getting into Science, you’ll remember that I accidentally did my SRF internship there instead...
Hilary’s Hilarious Science History
Welcome to this podcast with special guest, Hilary Tunnicliffe. a finally retired teacher of science in Cambridge, and chief examiner for Cambridge International Exams - and living fun fact database. I met Hillary at school during my own teacher training in 2020-2021,...
Shelby’s Venture Adventure
Welcome to this podcast with special guest Shelby Newsad, a PhD Candidate in Plant Science at University of Cambridge and Analyst at Hummingbird Ventures. I am excited that finally now, in the second season of our podcast, I get to speak with a professional in the...
Lucie’s Reef Relief
Welcome to this podcast about marine conservation. This episode’s special guest is Lucie Guirkinger, an international marine conservation policy maker. I like showcasing the fantastic people doing inspirational work in biology, and I am lucky to be part of a great...
Hindsight Is 2020
Welcome to this podcast about taking stock, moving on and moving up. Before we dive in, I wanted to take a moment to appreciate how amazing you’ve been as an audience. The podcast is going from strength to strength, growing in reach each day. Our top 3 episodes of all...
The Anatomy of Getting into Science
Welcome to this podcast about the anatomy of getting into science, or more precisely, the anatomy of me getting into science. It might sound dramatic, but I remember staring at myself in the mirror aged 18, thinking that I must at any cost receive an offer to study at...
Corona Special
Welcome to this podcast where we indulge the topic of the day, month or even year: coronavirus. ???? You can now support TAB Podcasts with your chosen donation and title ???? Timestamps I will steer away from that and simply give ourselves some...
Season 1
Season 3

Oleksandr Yagensky, PhD in Molecular Biology
Nice storytelling and a great choice of topic for the episode. I hope it’s the first of many. Keep it up! (LinkedIn)