The Mathematical Reason We Need So Many Sperm Cells
Welcome to this podcast about all the things we've learnt from sperm. ???? You can now support TAB Podcasts with your chosen donation and title ???? Script Learn from sperm ♪ tuneIntro Hiya, how’s it going?[Once the sperm cell enters the egg, its tail falls off.]...
The Exclusive Story of the NHS Dentist Who Risked Her Job to Secure Govt U-turn on Vaccine Mandate
Welcome to this podcast about the experiences of working as an NHS dentist, navigating new mandates and making hard choices. ???? You can now support TAB Podcasts with your chosen donation and title ???? Transcript Coming soon
Dodging Uni to Help Students Study Better in London with Mohammad Awais
Welcome to this podcast about foregoing university, resisting societal pressures and committing to your true intentions moving forward. ???? You can now support TAB Podcasts with your chosen donation and title ???? Transcript Coming soon
How to Freelance Scientific Illustrate with Swedish Entrepreneur Dr. Daria Chrobok
Welcome to this podcast about leaving academia, going freelance and finding happiness at work. ???? You can now support TAB Podcasts with your chosen donation and title ???? Transcript Coming soon
PhD Premiere: AI & Mental Health with Dr. Kasia Kozdon
Welcome to this podcast about eye-opening artificial life anecdotes, personal stories and insights, interweaved with the reality of a PhD viva held over Zoom, and the opportunities and challenges of working in AI startups. ???? You can now support TAB Podcasts with...
Season 1
Season 2

Oleksandr Yagensky, PhD in Molecular Biology
Nice storytelling and a great choice of topic for the episode. I hope it’s the first of many. Keep it up! (LinkedIn)